
Chip & PIN for Retailers

We offer number of high speed terminals from various manufactures. Provide merchants with a compact payment device using minimum counter top space.

  • Offer a unique payment experience from an ergonomic, intuitive device.
  • Accept all electronic payment methods including EMV chip & PIN, magstripe and NFC/ contactless.
Your Total Merchant Solution Provider

Around the clock Technical support (24/7)

Our entire products line up comes with 24/7 telephone live technical support, so you can always get the help you need no matter what time zone you are in.

Pricing for Every Merchant

Whether you have a small business or Multi store configuration, we have the simple pricing that fits your budget. No hidden charges, No Hypes!!!

Daily Deposits

Daily settlements funds are deposited within 24 Hours to the bank account of your choice. No need to switch banks or open a new account at all…. Get started, Email us anytime info@debittechpos.com
Get started Contact Us